Constitution and Rules

The constitution of the Royal Musical Association is governed by three documents:

  • Memorandum of Association: The Memorandum establishes the status of the Association as a charity and as a limited liability company, and sets the charitable objects.
  • Articles of Association: The Articles establish the constitutional framework for the Association, in particular the rights and powers of trustees and members to make decisions (including to establish the rules) through general meetings (including the AGM) and meetings of trustees. The Articles also explain how trustees are appointed.
  • Rules: The Rules explain the details of membership and of the governance structures through which decisions are made, including the terms of reference for Council and its subcommittees.

The Memorandum and Articles have legal force and may only be amended with the agreement of the Charity Commission. The Articles allow the Association to make Rules for its own governance, and these can be amended by Council or the membership.