Standing for Election: RMA Council

Council is the governing committee of the RMA. The RMA membership is responsible for electing the association’s President, Vice-Presidents, and Ordinary Members of Council to represent them and run the association’s business with the support of the association officers.

To stand for election as an Ordinary Member of Council (OMC) you need to be nominated via a proposer and seconder from the RMA membership. Alternatively, expressions of interest may be sent directly to the Chair of RMA Search Committee. For election as a Vice-President, you require nomination (proposer and seconder) from existing members of Council. Nominations for President are made by Council one year before the expected final retirement of the current President.

You do not need to be an RMA member at the time of your nomination, but membership is mandatory for anyone taking up an elected position.

The President serves for a period of three calendar years, Vice-Presidents for five calendar years and Ordinary Members of Council for three calendar years. Elections usually take place annually to fill vacancies arising from the normal rotation of appointments, that is when a period of tenure has come to an end.

Nomination details are sent to the Chair of RMA Search Committee and/or the Executive Officer together with a Statement of Candidacy (no more than a single A4 page) which is circulated to the RMA membership over the summer. Voting is carried out electronically via the members area of the RMA website.

Election results are announced at the Annual General Meeting in September and those elected take up their positions the following January.

For further information please see:

Constitution and Rules of the Royal Musical Association

• ‘Quick Start Guide’ for new Council members