The Royal Musical Association seeks a new Executive Officer, starting 1 January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter by agreement.
The Executive Officer is the most senior Officer role in the RMA, alongside other Officer roles in Digital Technologies, Communication, Research Training, Student Liaison and Conference. The Association has an Honorary Treasurer who keeps detailed accounts and looks after the RMA’s investment portfolio, while the Executive Officer oversees membership payments, refunds, grants and awards and expenses. The Executive Officer is responsible for agenda preparation and minute-taking at all meetings of Council, Publications Committee, Finance and Membership Committee (3 each per year) and Events Committee (2 per year), liaising with the President, the Treasurer and other members of Council on various matters as they arise, and maintaining an up to date record of RMA regulations. They also liaise with the Royal Mint on striking the Dent Medal and Tippett Medal each year.
The Royal Musical Association is a Registered Charity and a Company limited by guarantee, and the Executive Officer also has responsibility for reporting to the Charity Commission and Companies House as necessary and for overseeing Council processes in accordance with Charity Commission and Companies House regulations.
We are seeking someone with experience of administrative work and an interest in Music and Musicology as practiced within Higher Education and academia.
Like all remunerated RMA offices, the role is constituted as freelance consultancy, not as employment. The hours worked are flexible, amounting to 0.3 FTE over the course of the year, with relatively few fixed dates in the calendar beyond the Council and committee meetings and conferences.
The current salary is £13,600 p.a., paid in monthly instalments and adjusted annually for inflation.
The RMA’s website can be viewed here: https://www.rma.ac.uk/
Informal enquiries may be directed to Pauline Fairclough (Chair of Search Committee) Pauline.Fairclough@bristol.ac.uk and to the current post-holder Dr Jeffrey Dean exec@rma.ac.uk.
The closing date for application is 31 August 2021.
We plan to interview shortlisted candidates in September/October (via zoom).