The RMA Student Committee is looking for postgraduate research student candidates for FIVE positions starting in January 2023.
The Committee is responsible for a variety of tasks including aiding with the organisation of student events, encouraging student participation, representing students in other RMA committees (Student Conference Programme Committee, Publications Committee, Events Committee, Finance and Membership Committee, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group), and at Council, and maintaining the student section of the RMA website.
It meets at least three times a year: a virtual meeting in May, an in-person meeting in September at the RMA Annual Conference, and a final in-person meeting at the January RMA Research Students’ Conference. Successful candidates are eligible to claim expenses for costs necessarily incurred in attending RMA meetings (for example, travel expenses) in line with the RMA’s expenses policy.
As a member of the RMA Student Committee, you will have the opportunities to gain experience in editing and curating research-related blog content, conference organising, student engagement, committee leadership, and teamwork. There are also opportunities to provide student input to help shape RMA policies, programmes, and events, and to network with students and academic staff from across the UK and beyond.
The Committee aims to represent the wide scope of music student experiences and perspectives, and welcomes students of all research interests and disciplinary orientations. We particularly encourage students from backgrounds and groups currently underrepresented in the UK postgraduate music studies community to consider putting their name forward, to contact departmental staff for help in writing an application, and to write to the RMA Student Committee with any questions.
Questions about the application and election process can be sent to
Members of the Student Committee are happy to discuss their experiences. Their contact information can be found here.
The available positions are as follows:
Student Representative
One two-year position AND one one-year position
The student representatives are responsible for the organisation of the Student Committee. They take leadership responsibilities and act as student representatives in other RMA committees and Council.
Ordinary Members
Three two-year positions
Ordinary members provide input and suggestions at Student Committee meetings and facilitate RMA student activities (i.e. the student blog, conference organisation, and events).
Candidates must be postgraduate students at a UK-based institution. Student Representatives must be resident predominantly in the UK throughout their term in office. Ordinary Members may be resident anywhere.
Candidates do not currently need to be RMA members to put forward an application. However, they must become RMA student members once elected. Click here for more on RMA membership.
Candidates may only hold their position within the student committee for as long they are an RMA Student Member. Candidates are generally expected to continue being students well into the final year of their position.
Application Process
Applications will be accepted until 7:59 pm on January 10, 2023. Please send applications and questions to the Chair of the Student Committee at
In an email, please also provide the following information, which will be published on the online voting page.
- Your name, affiliation, and current degree.
- List which of the above positions you would like to run for in order of preference.
- A brief biography. Make sure to draw attention to the skills, perspectives, and experiences within the RMA and outside of it that you think will be beneficial to the student committee. (200 words max)
- An explanation for your interest in joining the committee as well as ideas for future projects, improvements, and/or aims you would like to pursue in the role. (200 words max)
Election Procedure
Voting will take place on January 11 from 8:00 am to 7:59pm.
Positions will be allocated based on number of votes, and then by availability of preferred positions. Elected members who are not RMA student members yet will be asked to become one ASAP.
Elected candidates will be invited to attend the RMA Student Committee meeting (virtually or in-person) on January 12 at lunchtime. For further details, please write to
In my position this year, I am responsible for the agenda, meeting planning, and documentation. I coordinate the activity of the Student Committee, provide support, and represent students at various RMA Committees and Council. My work for the RMA has enabled me to develop my communication, organisation, and leadership skills and given me experience in working with teams of various shapes and sizes. Since PhD writing can be quite a solitary process, I recommend joining the RMA Student Committee as a great opportunity to collaborate with many inspiring individuals on a range of interesting projects.
Barbora Vacková, Senior Student Representative
As an ordinary committee member, my work this year has involved editorial, administrative and outreach work. As part of the student blog team, I have edited and posted article submissions by students to the RMA website. I have also been responsible for communicating with the music departments of higher education institutions to promote RMA events, opportunities and membership. Being part of the RMA student committee has allowed me to develop new connections and learn even more about the ways in which musicology is promoted and encouraged as a discipline. It’s been a great experience.
Niamh Gibbs, Ordinary Committee Member
In my position as the Junior Student Representative, my main responsibilities have included the planning and organisation of the annual Research Students’ Conference. I co-chair the Programme Committee for the conference, as well as sitting on the Flagship Conferences Sub-Committee, the Publications Committee, and the RMA Council. I have worked closely with the Senior Student Representative, Barbora, to liaise with members of various committees and advocate for the Student Committee and the student body. This role is a perfect opportunity to gain experience of organising high-level academic conferences and getting a taste of both chairing and attending various committee meetings with different members, academics, and stakeholders.
Nyle Bevan-Clark, Junior Student Representative