RMA statement: Arts Council England announce new Music Hub Lead Organisations – May 2024

The RMA is pleased to see the announcement of the new Music Hub Lead Organisations from Arts Council England. Whilst the process will have caused challenges and significant change for many, we are passionate in enabling those seeking to progress to higher education and over the coming months seek to form new relationships with HLOs. 

Music education in schools and Higher Education has been challenged significantly, and through partnership we hope to enable continued generations of young people to pursue their musical ambitions and ensure the health of our subject. The RMA is committed to the health of the musical disciplines and is keen to make further connections with the study of music before university; this year we have our 150th conference, with plans to encourage post-16 students and their teachers to join us. Our past activity supporting secondary education has included webinars on GCSE and A-level set works by RMA members, and signposting articles and reading to support those applying for university music study.  The RMA is committed to engaging widely and learning from and with music educators across the sector as this new Music Hub landscape emerges. 

The RMA Music Education Working Group includes HE colleagues that share a commitment to tackling the decline and challenge in music education and welcome speaking with those in the new HLOs as well as those in schools and other educational settings. Please do contribute to our survey open until 30 May: https://forms.office.com/e/QsvuJWWCbm

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