Amanda Hsieh has been appointed as RMA Reviews Editor, responsible for soliciting and editing reviews for both the Journal of the Royal Musical Association and Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle.

Amanda is Research Assistant Professor of Historical Musicology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to her move to East Asia, she worked as Sessional Lecturer at the University of Toronto, where she also obtained her PhD. Amanda’s scholarship explores categories of gender and nation and their intertwined manifestations within opera of the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. While her doctoral work locates opera in the Austro-German context, her next book-length project treats opera as a transnational – and even a global – phenomenon between Germany and Japan. She is the latest winner of the Jerome Roche Prize and her work has been supported by grants and fellowships from, among others, the DAAD, the Austrian Cultural Forum New York, and the Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto. Her writings can be found in the Journal of the Royal Musical Association and Music & Letters. Almost a decade ago, Amanda served as the RMA’s Chair of the Student Committee.