10 May 2024
Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Proposals are invited for the French Music and Culture Study Day, hosted by the Cardiff French Music Research Group and the Royal Musical Association, which will take place on 10 May 2024 at Cardiff University.
Proposal Submission Deadline: 19 January 2024, 11:59pm
The French Music and Culture Study Day seeks to bring together postgraduate research candidates and early career researchers who share a primary interest in French music and the surrounding culture. The study day is open to those studying French music across all eras and we welcome participation from all pathways of music research (such as musicologists, performers, composers, music educators, organologists and ethnomusicologists), as well as those who approach music from other disciplines.
The committee invites proposals from postgraduate research students for 20-minute conference papers on any aspect of their research. Other early career researchers (including postdoctoral research fellows) who are interested in attending are invited to express an interest in chairing a panel. A small number of travel bursaries will be available for speakers.
Papers may be given in English or in French. To submit a proposal, please complete the submission form at https://tinyurl.com/cardifffrenchmusic by 11:59pm on Friday 19 January 2024:
All proposals will receive a decision by Friday 16 February 2024. Further information regarding the programme and registration will be circulated in due course.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the programme committee at cardifffrenchmusic@gmail.com.
Programme Committee:
Kerry Bunkhall (Cardiff University)
Emma Kavanagh (University of Oxford)
Faith Thompson (Royal Northern College of Music)